
Oyama, Tateyama (2009)

So it's throwback Thursday! I don't remember what exactly brought me there, but at the sophomore year of college I made a decision to take a summer job at a shrine (雄山神社 at 立山, 富山) that let me live on a top of a scarily beautiful Mt. Tateyama for good one month, and experienced unforgettable moments for life.  I found the photos of my stay on my facebook album that I posted on 2009. My photography skill back then wasn't so great, and actually many of the photos were not even taken by myself, but thanks to factbook's 'download album' feature I decided to re-post them on my blog so that I (and others!) will see them more often. 


My Auto Challenge

To be honest, I had truly never been interested in any automobile things in my life until it suddenly became my job. I literally never paid attention on any of the car brands (For example, somehow I believed Toyota's emblem represent Hitachi, and Hitachi doesn't even make cars! :P), and had no idea about how much cars could cost or anything. I happened to start working at a research devision of one of those automakers a year and half ago, but when I got the offer at the first place I didn’t even have a US driving license nor my own car. Ever since, I try to put all my effort to learn about cars and get myself excited about it, and the challenge still continues...


A Visit to Santa Cruz

Three years in Bay Area and first time visiting Santa Cruz. It was a lot more prettier that I'd expected. There are still some other places that I missed this time in Santa Cruz so I will definitely revisit there hopefully soon.