
My Auto Challenge

To be honest, I had truly never been interested in any automobile things in my life until it suddenly became my job. I literally never paid attention on any of the car brands (For example, somehow I believed Toyota's emblem represent Hitachi, and Hitachi doesn't even make cars! :P), and had no idea about how much cars could cost or anything. I happened to start working at a research devision of one of those automakers a year and half ago, but when I got the offer at the first place I didn’t even have a US driving license nor my own car. Ever since, I try to put all my effort to learn about cars and get myself excited about it, and the challenge still continues...

I decided to do some car-related activity on a monthly basis in the purpose of familiarizing myself with cars, and what I chose for February was to take a car drifting class. It was totally amazing experience. I cannot forget the feeling of spanning car, loud and aggressive sound of engine and the smokes (and smell!) of the burned tires. I wish the activity is a bit cheaper so that I can do it more often (it cost me $600!).

My ride that day. Nissan 240SX totally rocked.

I wish it were a video of me, but some other cool people seen on the raceway.

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