
Oyama, Tateyama (2009)

So it's throwback Thursday! I don't remember what exactly brought me there, but at the sophomore year of college I made a decision to take a summer job at a shrine (雄山神社 at 立山, 富山) that let me live on a top of a scarily beautiful Mt. Tateyama for good one month, and experienced unforgettable moments for life.  I found the photos of my stay on my facebook album that I posted on 2009. My photography skill back then wasn't so great, and actually many of the photos were not even taken by myself, but thanks to factbook's 'download album' feature I decided to re-post them on my blog so that I (and others!) will see them more often. 

The shrine was literally located above the cloud level. 

Surreal sunset. When I saw it, I thought it looks like some computer graphics, but it was real.

Circular rainbow.

Once a while we had to put the futons on the roof so that they get dry and clean.

Every once a week there's a helicopter comes to drop us food and pick our trashes.

Sea of cloud underneath moonlight.

It was really really quiet when there's no tourist. Probably the most quiet place I've ever been.

This must be a sunrise.

A favorite video clip of mine. The Shinto priest practices Japanese flute above the sea of cloud.

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