
Dawn from "my room"

Probably I have seen this scenery many times as I grew up in this house for like 18 years, but when I see it now, after having left home like 7 years ago, it feels sort of special.

A place in Tokyo that used to be my neighbourhood


Auberge du Soleil: A Fancy Brunch at Napa

I am not trying to make this blog a food blog, but well, food is photogenic, in general...
I got to know this restaurant and their relatively-reasonably-priced brunch course ($70-ish), thanks to this Japanese article. Food was good, and what's more the view from their patio was fantastic.

Barcelona Photos Part 2


Lobster Roll @ New England Lobster Company

This plate was a little more than $20. I think they increased the price... although it tasted good.


Casablanca, Morocco

In the city of Casablanca, every day at around 3-4am in the morning, local mosques play the Koran real loud to let the residents know the beginning of the first worship of the day, that woke us up sleeping at a hostel every morning. Ok, it was exotic.

Naga-ya (a "long house") in Kiyosumi-shirakawa

Visiting a Cool Sister in a Cool City is the Best :D

When my sister told me she was going to a grad school in Barcelona, I thought it was super cool. And at that same moment I knew that I had to visit her while she was there and that it would be awesome-- and it sure was :)

Okinawa Photos #2: Food, Road Trip and All

This is a photo of a sugarcane field, reminded me of a famous folk song "Satoukibi Batake" (literally means "a sugarcane field" in Japanese)-- a remembrance of WW2 in Okinawa.

More photos of the rest of my trip in Okinawa. Mostly food & the road trip!

Okinawa Photos #1: Beaches

This super-blue ocean-- I will remember this scenery for the rest of my life.


Tama the Cat

Our grumpy kitten. She is the boss of our family of four humans and two dogs.


Flying Around the World

I took my first (and maybe the last) long vacation (40 days!) after I graduated my collage 4 years ago. I traveled to Tokyo, Okinawa, Barcelona, Casablanca, and Paris, trying to get the most of this opportunity. I plan to post more photos from the trip in the later posts.

Random Japan Photos-- Mostly Food

Okay, to start off, this is a photo of a lady frying tempuras at Marukame-seimen, my beloved udon shop. lol

Trip to San Diego

Photos from my trip to San Diego three months back. Great weather, beach, food and most importantly, my best friend-- cannot help loving this place ;)


Phish Concert at Shoreline Amphitheater

I like going to the concerts at the outdoor concert hall Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View, CA. They have a nice picnic area on the lawn to enjoy the show, and a pretty good PA system. Its location is fairly close from Mountain View downtown (where I live), so I can ride my bike to get there and avoid traffic jams entering the parking area. That day I went to a show of the world-famous  improvisation band, Phish.


My mom's daily walkie road. I really love the way my x100's lens capture the colors in nature. I did not do any photoshoppimg on this photo.


Izakaya: My Favorite Way to Enjoy a Friday Night

Since I have a job in the US, I only visit my home country a.k.a Japan once or twice a year. Every time I am there, I have a list of several things I must do, and hanging out with my Tokyo friends at an izakaya is one of the most important and pleasing things that I cannot miss. Tonight I hit an old and cheap yet very popular izakaya with one of my best friends and it was very satisfying... as always.


Minpaku: Experiencing the Local Life in Okinawa

Have you ever wished to experience the traditional Japanese culture? Or, are you a travel enthusiastic who finds pleasure in experiencing the local lifestyle in foreign countries? … If yes, you might find "minpaku" interesting.